What is the FPS cap?
130 fps - we will be testing and tagging your blaster upon check in if it passes. Make sure it will! Testing will take place before each event and at the Blaster Expo Friday, so bring your blasters with you then to save time the day of the events.
What is the age requirement?
The Stalking Dead is 13 and up, Sunday's Superstock games are 6 and up. This is NOT a drop-off event. Children under 18 must have a parent or guardian present, and 12 and under require parental participation at all times. Sunday's 5v5 is 15+. Friday's Blastercon and modding party is for all ages.
Do I bring ammo?
NO! All ammo is provided to ensure dart safety standards. We'll be providing full length darts, short darts, Rival rounds, and Mega darts
Can I bring melee or shields?
Melee IS allowed! You Can bring Melee, but not shields for Stalking Dead. You CAN bring your own melee and shields the Superstock games on Sunday Please read the Official Rules for more details on what is allowed. Have them checked for safety at check in.
Do I bring a blaster? Will the event provide them?
Players bring their own blasters. We recommend bringing more than one to ensure you have a playable blaster. Blasters must be colorful with an orange tip and be family friendly.
Will there be food?
We are planning on having a few food trucks this year! Plan to bring money!
Are full masks allowed?
No, only covid type masks or masks that cover only the lower face are allowed. Also, please avoid a full military like appearance...remember, keep it family friendly!
What's with the nicknames?
Foam Blaster players usually adopt some sort of a nickname. My name is Jamie, so I picked J-Mom. Have fun with it and enter that name into the ticketing system when asked.
I'm a first timer, what can I expect?
This is a family friendly, inclusive, creative event for players to show off their loadouts, blasters, and game playing prowess. Friday night's Blaster Expo is the time for getting to know other players, browsing vendor wares, playing games, winning prizes, and getting your blaster prechecked for the weekend's games. Saturday, players are split into three teams and have bases on campus staffed by volunteers (base mods). Each year we have a theme (this year is Cyberpunk) and many players choose to come in costume to add to the atmosphere. You will be completing missions and collecting items to gain points for your team. You might be eliminated by either an undead player (one without a blaster who has the goal of "turning" you into one of them) or another player who tags you with a dart. You will be given a key fob to wear around your neck loaded with lives. Each time you're hit with a dart, you will return to your base to scan it and lose a life. When out of lives, you will turn into the undead, drop your blaster (we will have a blaster check to watch it for you) and join that team in attacking the human teams. Also beware of the NPC players with various abilities and roles who are there to either help or hinder your team! There are lots of puzzles, physical missions, items and upgrades or curses to be gained for both humans and the undead that make this a very fun, imaginative, and creative game that will test your brain, physicality, and ability to work with a team! The age requirement is a strict 13 due to the extensive rule set. Sunday there is a 5v5 competition on the field (sign ups end Sept 15, up to 7 players per team, referees ensure fair play, the winning team gets a trophy and the event is live streamed), and while that's happening, SuperStock will be played by the clock tower in the middle of campus. This is more like your typical nerf games you might play with friends at the park. Capture the flag, capture the points, civil war, and many other game modes will be played between two teams vying to win each match by achieving the mission or outlasting the other team. This game is for 6 and up.
Can I drop off my kids?
No. Children ages 6-12 MUST play with a guardian or parent and have that person available to them at all times. Players 13-17 must have a responsible adult either playing with them or at least on campus and accessible to them in the case of an emergency. This does not have to be a parent. It can be any over 18 year old who will be deemed responsible for them should they have an emergency or need to leave campus for any reason.
What are the Covid Precautions?
Attendees are encouraged to be vaccinated with the most recent iteration for Covid and wear masks indoors. Please respect the health and safety choices of your fellow players if they differ from yours. See Rule Zero.
What about flashlights?
Flashlights or other lighting apparatus that is directed light that could be shined in someone's eyes (leds on costumes is ok) may NOT be used during game play.
Should any other questions be added to this FAQ?
Email us at ragnarocktoberfest@gmail.com